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Interesting things about chemistry

Interesting, strange chemical phenomena in everyday life that you may not know

Interesting Facts about Gallium

Gallium was the prefix named after a rooster, whose work of discovering the prefix filled a position predicted by the chemist Mendeev.

Interesting Facts About Zinc

Zinc is the ingredient behind products such as calamine lotion for itchy skin, dandruff shampoos for flaky scalp and underarm deodorant.

Interesting facts about copper metal

Copper is the only red metal among all elements. It is known to have good electrical conductivity, being the first metal to be mined and manipulated by humans

Interesting facts about Nickel

Nickel is the fifth most abundant transition metal on Earth, occurring in abundance in the Earth's crust and core. Nickel along with iron are two common elements in mete

Interesting facts about Cobalt

The elemental cobalt has incredible beauty, strength as well as excellent cooperation. Cobalt is a very hard shiny silver metal and it is also highly magnetic.

Interesting facts about Iron

Iron is known to be a central element of life on Earth. It is essential for the human body and used in many household objects.

Interesting Facts about Manganese

Manganese - an element located at the root of plants' photosynthesis, fights free radicals, strengthens steel, creating mysterious ocean-bottom nodules.

Interesting facts about chromium

Chromium is a member of the transition metal element group. It is known to add sparkle and value to minerals.

Interesting facts about Vanadium

Vanadium is an element known with a confusing history and was discovered twice. Vanadium's name is named after the beauty goddess Scadinavia "Vanadis".

Interesting facts about Titan

Titan's name is named after the Greek god, the ninth most abundant element in the Earth's crust.

Interesting Facts about Scandium

Scandium is the first transition metal, first found in the late eighteenth century and the 36th most abundant element in the Earth's crust.

Interesting facts about Calcium

Calcium is known to be the main building block of bones, the 5th most abundant in the Earth's crust. The common compound of calcium, calcium carbonate, is commonly known

Interesting facts about chemistry you may not know

Interesting facts about hydrogen - the lightest element in the periodic table.

Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic system table. Hydrogen is known to be the lightest of all, the most abundant in the Universe, the essential element for life

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Interesting facts about helium

Helium is the first rare gas element in the periodic system table. In the Universe, it ranks second in abundance after elemental hydrogen.

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Interesting facts about lithium

Lithium is the alkali metal element, located in the third cell in the periodic table system. Lithium is the lightest of all solid metals and can cut a knife.

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Interesting Facts About Beryllium

Beryllium is the lightest alkaline earth metal. Beryllium is found in precious stones such as emeralds and aquamarine. Beryllium and its compounds are both carcinogenic.

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Interesting Facts About Carbon

Carbon is the non-metallic element in the sixth cell in the periodic system table. Carbon is one of the most important elements in all life, it is also known as the back.

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