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Interesting facts about Titan

Interesting Facts About Titan - Element named after the Greek god

Titanium is the element in the 22nd periodic system table. It is a strong, silver-gray metal with high corrosion resistance and chemical resistance. Titanium is known for its high durability and high fire resistance, so it is widely used in surgical implants, car sunshades, fuselages, and frames. Here are 10 interesting facts about Titan.

hinh-anh-interesting-facts-about-titan-46-0Titan's position in the periodic system table

10 Interesting Facts about Titanium

1. In 1795, the German chemist Martin Klaproth independently discovered titanium. He named the oxide "titan" after the Greek Titans, a mythical race of immortal giants with incredible strength and stamina, but later recognized earlier discovery. by William Gregor.

2. It takes nearly 119 years to get 99.9% pure Titanium. In 1910, metallurgist Matthew Hunter isolated it by heating sodium and Titanium Tetrachloride at 700 to 800 degrees C at extremely high pressure using a process called the Batch process or process. Hunter.

Titanium metal

3. Titanium is the ninth most abundant element and makes up about 0.6% of the Earth's crust. It can be found in the human body, in plants, in seawater, and on the moon, meteorites, sun and other planets.

4. Most of the titanium is found in the magma rock on Earth, and almost all of it contains titanium.

5. 95% of this pure metal is used to make titanium oxide. This oxide commonly known as titanium dioxide is the main ingredient in paints, sunscreens, cosmetics, paper, toothpaste and many other everyday products.

hinh-anh-interesting-facts-about-titan-46-2Titanium dioxide

6. High corrosion resistance. We estimate that if, after 4,000 years of immersion in seawater, the surface layer eroded is only about 1 sheet of paper.

7. 24K gold is not actually pure gold, it is the fusion of gold and titanium. Adding 1% titanium to gold is not enough to change the carat gold, but it makes the alloy much more than gold quality.

hinh-anh-interesting-facts-about-titan-46-3Jewelry is made from titanium

8. Titanium costs around $ 30 per pound, making it more valuable than other metals mainly due to its rarity and difficult manufacturing process. However, white gold still prefers titanium.

9. Titanium is used in surgical implants and jewelry because it is non-toxic and stable.

10. Titanium is a living element. Titanium debris and dust created from fine machining are highly flammable.


hinh-anh-interesting-facts-about-titan-46-4Titanium is hypoallergenic and can be used as body piercing

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