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Interesting facts about hydrogen - the lightest element in the periodic table.

The first elemental hydrogen in the periodic system table and the most abundant one in the Universe.

 Interesting facts about hydrogen



Hydrogen element position in the periodic system table

1. Majority of the Universe's mass (75%) is comprised of Hydrogen. It is the most abundant of all chemical elements.

2. The gas giant planets, such as Jupiter, are mostly composed of Hydrogen. 

3. About 10% of human body weight is made up of hydrogen. This is not in form of pure hydrogen but in form of water, fats and proteins.

Hydrogen is the most commonly found element on Jupiter

4.  Liquid hydrogen is so cold that coming in contact with this element in its liquid form will give frost bite. 

5. The name Hydrogen comes from two Greek words – hydro and genes. Hydro in Greek means ‘water’ while genes in Greek means ‘forming’. This means that Hydrogen is a water forming element.

Water molecule consists of 1 oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms



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