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Interesting Facts About Neon

Interesting Facts About Neon - It is a rare and glowing orange-red gas in vacuum tubes.

Neon is a rare gas in the 10th cell in the periodic system table. It is the fourth most abundant element in the universe and glowing red orange in commercial signage.

The position of the neon element in the periodic system board

8 Interesting Facts About Neon

1. The name of the element comes from the Greek word "novum" or "neos," which means "new." British chemists Sir William Ramsay and Morris W. Travers discovered the element in 1898. Neon was discovered in a sample of liquid air.

2. Neon is both rare and abundant, depending on where you're looking for it. Although neon is a rare gas in the Earth's atmosphere (about 0.0018 percent by mass), it is the fifth most abundant element in the universe (one part per 750), where it is produced during the alpha process in stars.

3. When low-pressure neon gas is electrified, it glows reddish-orange. This is the true color of neon lights.

4. Neon's rarity makes it fairly expensive, making liquid neon about 55 times more expensive than liquid helium.

hinh-anh-interesting-facts-about-neon-39-1Neon glows red - orange when an electric charge runs through it.

5. Neon is used to freeze corpses

6. Neon can cause frostbite and even suffocation

7. If you took a typical new home in the US and gathered together all the neon that existed in all the different rooms, you would obtain approximately 10 liters (2 gallons) of neon gas. 

8. One of the most surprising neon facts is that Georges Claude, a French engineer, invented neon lighting as early as 1902. 

Neon led lights


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