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News Only 5% of POPULATION would know

2Al + Cr2O3 → Al2O3 + 2Cr | , Phản ứng oxi-hoá khử

Al | aluminium | solid + Cr2O3 | chromium(iii) oxide | solid = Al2O3 | aluminium oxide | solid + Cr | chromium | solid | Temperature: temperature, Other Condition excess chlorine

Detailed information about the equation

Reaction conditions when applied Al + Cr2O3

  • Catalyst: not available
  • Temperature: temperature
  • Pressure: normal
  • Other conditions: not available

Reaction process Al + Cr2O3

Process: updating...

Note: not available

The result of the reaction Al + Cr2O3

The phenomenon: Metallic gray precipitate of Cr

Detailed information on the reactants

Information about Al (aluminium)

  • Atomic weight: 26.98153860 ± 0.00000080
  • Color: updating
  • Status: updating

Information about Cr2O3 (chromium(iii) oxide)

  • Atomic weight: 151.9904
  • Color: dạng tinh thể màu đen ánh kim; dạng vô định hình là chất bột màu lục thẫm
  • Status: chất rắn dạng tinh thể hoặc bột vô định hình

Detailed information about the products of the reaction

Information about Al2O3 (aluminium oxide)

  • Atomic weight: 101.96128 ± 0.00090
  • Color: updating
  • Status: updating

Information about Cr (chromium)

  • Atomic weight: 51.99610 ± 0.00060
  • Color: Ánh bạc
  • Status: 122

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